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    Digital Cables

    WyWires USB, AES/EBU and S/PDIF digital audio cables enable your system to preserve all of the detail, dynamics, ambiance and presence in your music. WyWires digital cables ensure perfect electrical parameters – low capacitance, rejection of crosstalk and external interferences, perfect characteristic impedance.  

    The secret is in the design and materials - all WyWires cables use our proprietary wire design. Digital cables also have a proprietary sequence and specific materials that mitigate interference from external sources and any negative effects going on within the cable itself.

    With WyWires digital cables, you get optimal transfer with a perfect sequence of data without any timing errors or "jitter". Our advanced shielding technology will assure you of the lowest noise floor of any digital cable on the market resulting in a velvet black background to the music.

    As you move up our product lines from Blue to Silver to Platinum to Diamond, the basic design is much the same on all. What differs is the quality of data transmission wires, complexity of internal construction and differing shielding strategies. With the Diamond series, we have added a proprietary material that converts unwanted energy to heat which is dissipated through a carbon fiber tube near the destination end of the cable.