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    Customer testimonials are WyWires best reward. Scroll to find your reason to buy! 


    Interconnect Cables:

    "In my system they seem to give me the perfect balance that I was looking for, very calm, quiet, non fatiguing...not too bright , nor mellow or warm they seem to just vanish in the system with no sonic signatures of their own...I guess my system for now is complete and year 2020 will be "For enjoy the music "instead of Forever search for new components and the latest flavour of day in audio!"

    A.S., California (Diamond Interconnects, Daedalus/WyWires Speaker Cables)

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    I think they provide a notable improvement to the Purist."

    - Peter S. (Platinum Interconnects)

    Digital Cables:

    “That’s what really struck me about your USB... it was this space that really excited reminded me of listening to vinyl versus digital copies. When the recording was quiet, it was instantly quiet, no ghosting or bleeding. When it went from deep bass to high treble, there was the full measure of that change. Bottom line, the space and the air of your USB put the mids of literally every (good) recording I listened to on another level from the other two (comparison cables). Really, really good stuff. As for the other aspects, the bass was powerful, detailed, and hit with bounce and impact. The highs were sweet, detailed, rounded, and perhaps a touch dark. I personally like my highs that way, particularly with digital music. Overall, a fantastic, musical USB cable. I think you have a real winner on your hands.”

    Henry B., Los Angeles (Platinum Digital USB)

    Power Cords:

    "I want to thank you for the quality of your advice, and for this wonderful cable. I am pleased! This cable is really in perfect synergy with my Audiant Perreaux! For sure, I will gradually complete my equipment with Wywires cables! Thank you very much for your great job, Alex!"I never knew that power cables could have such a huge impact !!! We had an immediate improvement in noisefloor, clarity…also more dynamic and more snap." 

    Samuel C., Silver Digital Power Cord


    Speaker Cables:

    "Initially, I encountered limitations with my previous AXXXXXXXXX cables, despite investing in more expensive models. The blankety-blank speaker cable, in particular, proved inadequate in controlling the bass of my Vandersteen 2CE MKiii speakers, resulting in uncontrolled woofer oscillations due to inappropriate impedance. This issue was effectively resolved by switching to the WyWire Blue biwire speaker cables, which now deliver well-controlled bass with distinct notes and no distortion."  More

    MS, M.D. Hawaii, Blue Speaker Cables

    Phono Cables:

    "The WyWires Silver Phono cable produced immensely superior soundstage and coherence of the audio for the connection between my Dynavector DV20X2-H cartridge and Icon PS2 Preamplifier."  More

    MS, M.D., Silver Phono Cable


    Platinum Series Headphone Cable:

    "I could not agree more. I have the Platinum USB and Platinum 4 pin XLR headphone cable. Alex is making a Platinum adapter to use with my soon to arrive Utopia."

    - Audio Addict, Head-Fi Community Member

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    RED Series Headphone Cable:

    “...right out of the box I’ve heard a significant difference that I know from past experience will only get better with time. The stock cable is ok, but putting the Red on settled the brightness down without muffling anything, and lowered the noise floor significantly. Lower registers are more detailed and still breaking in. Lovely, really. Just thought you should know, or hear it yet again."

    - Jeff Z.

    "The bass on the WyWires goes deep, has weight and does not encroach upon the midrange. Notes are very well defined, whole and round..."

    - setamp, Head-Fi Community Member

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