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    Wire Wednesday

    Happy in Hawaii

    Wonderful feedback from a happy customer

    "I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for the exceptional quality of your WyWire cables and the remarkable improvement they have brought to my audio system. 

    Initially, I encountered limitations with my previous Audioquest cables, despite investing in more expensive models. The Rocket 44 speaker cable, in particular, proved inadequate in controlling the bass of my Vandersteen 2CE MKiii speakers, resulting in uncontrolled woofer oscillations due to inappropriate impedance. This issue was effectively resolved by switching to the WyWire Blue biwire, which now delivers well-controlled bass with distinct notes and no distortion.

    Furthermore, the Pangea XL Digital Interconnect exhibited susceptibility to nearby transformers, causing jitter manifested as stridency in high frequencies and harsh bass. This problem was eliminated by employing your well-shielded digital cable between my Bluesound Node X (with a linear power supply modification) and the Cambridge Dacmagic200m (also with a linear power supply). Consequently, the streaming music now boasts excellent treble extension and well-defined bass.

    The Dynavector 20x2 High output moving coil on my VPI Scout to the Quicksilver Tube Phonostage previously suffered from poor sound quality when using Audioquest Big Sur and Yukon cables. Your recommendation for a true shielded phono cable proved to be the solution, as the Wywire phono cable revitalized the sound of my records.
    Lastly, the Audioquest Big Sur, Yukon, and Harmonic Technology interconnects connecting my Icon LA4 preamplifier introduced unwanted coloration, particularly between the preamplifier and the Rogue Dark Stereo 100 Amplifier. This issue was resolved by replacing them with WyWires interconnects, which significantly enhanced the sound quality from all inputs to the preamplifier and the amplifier.

    I am profoundly grateful for the transformative impact of your WyWires cables on my audio system. They have elevated my listening experience to new heights, and I am delighted to have made this investment."

    MS, M.D.

    Even Happier in Hawaii

    Great response from a happy customer!

    "The WyWires Silver Phono cable produced immensely superior soundstage and coherence of the audio for the connection between my Dynavector DV20X2-H cartridge and Icon PS2 Preamplifier, than the Graham Slee Lantus Interconnects. The Graham Slee Lantus cuases a dissonant high frequency response..."

    -- MS, M.D.

    NEW Speaker Cable Design Evolution 2

    We introduced of our newest product development, Evolution 2 Loudspeaker Cables. Here are details about the differences between the new and the old speaker cable designs. This design gives a greater feeling of listening to humans creating music.

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    Balanced vs Single Ended Interconnect Audio Cables

    Is it better to use balanced (XLR) interconnects if the components offer the opportunity? In theory balanced operation offers less noise and a purer signal,  while single ended may induce noise in your system.

    The right answer is far from obvious and depends on several factors. Confusion abounds.

    1. Are both components truly balanced, i.e., they both contain the needed circuitry required for balanced operation? If the answer is yes, then XLR is the way to go.
    2. XLR inputs and outputs are common these days. Unfortunately some are there for show only and often are wired in series with the RCA jacks. If this is the case, RCA might sound better, or maybe not.
    3. One component is truly balanced and the other single ended. In this case, there will be no definitive answer to which type of cable to use since the advantages of balanced operation will be negated by the single ended component.
    I have set up many audio systems at audio shows in the last ten years, and I've often been surprised that sometimes RCA cables sound better than XLR regardless of 1, 2, or 3 above. Sometimes there is no audible difference. Sometimes XLR clearly is better.
    So how does this help you? If you are experiencing ground loop hum with RCA and your gear has XLR's, a balanced cable may solve your problem. Other than that, it's best to experiment and also to contact the manufacturer of your gear and ask them.
    Regarding cables, WyWires offers both RCA and XLR. We can easily convert one to the other and back for a small labor charge and the cost of the new connectors. This will allow you to try for yourself without breaking the bank.